Monday, February 10, 2014


So I had a great brunch with a lovely reporter from the New York Time over the weekend to get her insight on where she saw the economy of startups, the pattern of startup culture and the overall objective perspective on our company.

This brilliant women said some thing that really created that +Oprah Winffrey ah ha moment. She said your startup is nothing but a hobby unless you sell something. The idea of "owner" your own startup see to be a "trend" in the past couple of years, where multi-million dollar invested companies with highly experience professional can't even survive at time.

What she said was right. You really are not a business or a company until you make your first dollar. Before that its just a great idea, side project or mental outlet. I think Beau Exchange have put so much effort in introducing ourselves to the public in this perfection of a image that we forget the simple truth. Beau Exchange is a fetus int he tech industry. The expectations and intensity we are putting on ourselves is unnecessary.

If you have an idea just launch it, display the word BETA on the homepage somewhere, go live and learn through the growing pains. No one is perfect, no one have all the answers and no one could judge you for trying you heart out to do something you are passionate about.