Monday, April 28, 2014

Don't Freak OUT... Its only TECH DAY

Tech Day in NYC was on April 24th and we were so excited to be apart of such a grand group of companies. Although we were sticking out like a sore thumb, it worked in our favor and we got over 100 sign ups for our beta launch. While bumping Lady Gaga and giving away chocolate kisses we were able to showcase Beau Exchange and engage the community with our mission.

The night before I felt very small as I got a preview of the booths to come the next day. I began to attempt last minute "fixes" to look bigger or grander among the other start ups. The day of I realized that this is our first expo and we should be proud to have reach this far.

We were among heavy weights like Gilt, Meetup and Uber while making friends with Liquor Box, Elite Daily, Stylinity, Renthop and Select. I was happy to discover cool stuff from Mashfeed, Chloe+Isabel and Lettrs. I knew we had something special when Tech Yoda, Gary Guide expressed his excitement to see Beau Exchange flourish.  Even Alley Wire took a liking to us.

Everyone starts somewhere. You have to be confident in what you're creating and can't compare your success to others. When you are passionate about your work you do lose track of things, by either comparing yourself to unrelated companies or being completely oblivion to the improvements that could be made to your company. Either way without balance and a clear mind your company could crumble before it even get noticed. Participate in Expos to showcase your best self and embrace all vendors, even your competition.

Was paying hundreds of dollars to sit for eight hours in one spot while snacking on everything insight worth it? ABSOLUTELY!