Sunday, July 7, 2013


As we complete the business plan and investor presentation we mentally thank our professors, Stucke, Sherman, Ali, Benton, and Sand for the lessons they taught during our MBA program. We learned everything from Operations Management, Importing and Exporting, Accounting and even conducting a corporate meeting. The most important thing that was taught... expect people to get in your way, expect boulders and there will be doubt, but don't be bothered those who believe will come out at the other end a winner.

With the lack of sleep and constant anxiety right before presentations we are now prepared for the worst in the real world; if it be strenuous work hours, regular rejection, and continuous battles.

We were able to incorporate many business school models such as the competitive analysis, SWOT, Porters Five Forces, the four Ps and Blue Ocean (everyone's favorite). We wouldn't be boring investors with the details but proud to have the chance to actual use what we learned literally and not just indirectly in our heads.

Our official incubator is now WeWorks! Yaaahh!!!! We have chosen the space because of the dynamic atmosphere and the fact that its in SOHO and have a cafe next door.

We are almost complete with our Angel List profile and excited to launch soon! It is very detailed but understandably so. We plan to raise at least $150,000 to start the project and continue from there with the progression.

There is still lots to do and more adventure to experience. Follow us on twitter to get the latest on Beau Exchange @BeauExchange

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